Whilst having a bit of a clean up around my apartment, I came across my old report cards from school. I thought I'd share!
These are from the summer of 1987, the end of my first year at Highfields School. I was in form 1EJ. Slytherin Riber House
I was basically an enthusiastic child who was keen to get on despite my horrendous handwriting. Some subjects I seemed to have a certain aptitude for, but, sadly, things would go awry a few years down the track.
Subject: English Exam: 72% Coursework Grade: B 1
Ben undoubtedly has a flair for creative work and his ideas and perceptions are highly imaginative and original. But he must realise taht this in itself is not enough. Presentation is equally important. More time and care spent on this aspect of his work would, I am sure, help him to improve his marks. Oral mark for the year 33/40
Subject: Maths Exam: 81% Coursework Grade: B 1
Ben has performed splendidly throughout the year. His enthusiasm and cheerfulness are to be admired.
Subject: Science Exam: 55% Coursework Grade: C 1
Ben works hard but lacks confidence in his own ability. he contributes well to class discussion. More care needs to be taken with his presentation of his work.
Subject: French Exam: 79% Coursework Grade: A 1
A very hardworking and conscientious pupil. Well done.
Subject: R.E. Exam: 58% Coursework Grade: B 2
Ben has made pleasing progress through the year. He is a lively and constructive member of the group. Well done!
Subject: Geography Exam: 69% Coursework Grade: C 2
Generally a satisfactory year's work in all aspects of the subject. Ben is building up his knowledge of geographical skills and will, I am sure, do well in the future.
Subject: History Exam: 80% Coursework Grade: C 2
Ben does not always find it easy to express himself on paper but is obviously not without ability. he must persevere if he is to make the progress he is capable of.
Subject: Design Exam: N/A Coursework Grade: B 2
Ben is making good progress and he is capable of some good work.
Subject: Home Economics Exam: N/A Coursework Grade: C 2
A competent worker. Ben has shown interest in his work.
Subject: Music Exam: 73% Coursework Grade: B 1
This is a pleasing examination result. Now Ben is living in Matlock, I shall look forward to him being a member of the Boys' Choir.
Subject: Art Exam: 85% Coursework Grade: B 1
Ben has a good background knowledge and wide interest. He contributes well in class showing interest and working in a most responsible way. He handles drawing and painting very competently and has produced a good year's work. Ben has a pleasant manner in class.
Subject: Textiles Exam: N/A Coursework Grade: B 2
A steady and reliable worker. Ben has made progress this year.
Subject: P.E. & Games Exam: N/A Coursework Grade: B 2
Quite good. generally keen. Satisfactory progress made.
Form Tutor's Report
I am very pleased with Ben. he gives freely of his time and is a most responsible and enthusiastic member of the form. he is always cheerful and has been a much valued Form Representative. the form have responded well to Ben and I feel he has settled in and become well-liked. He is a keen worker and has put much effort into his studies. he should feel proud of his reports. Well done.
Senior Tutor's Report
Ben has made a splendid impression in his first year. He is courteous and reliable in all he does. Ben has gained 44 credits for the house, and does a splendid job as Form Rep.
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