Saturday, February 18, 2012

Love Won't Let You Down

This is a brief post, I promise.

As anyone who knows me well will be cognizant of the fact that I suffer from depression and anxiety attacks on a regular basis; it will be of no surprise that since coming back from my recent UK Christmas trip, I have been a little low.

I have always been hypersensitive and, because I never learn and fail to communicate my concerns with others, I tend to bottle-up my emotions and over-analyse everything I say and do. I question everything that comes out of my mouth and beat myself up over every error, no matter how small. I punish myself for inconsequential issues that some would (wisely) brush off, learn from and move on.

Basically, I am my own own torturer and victim. Crazy old brain.

The point of this post is; when I remember that I have friends who love me unconditionally and I seek their company, I am embraced with a kindness which hitherto I had forgotten existed.

So, in respect of that, I want to ask each and everyone of you out there to not succumb to your inner demons; talk to those who love you, be it family or friends. If you have issues of doubt or anxieties, you will be surprised at just who may empathise.

You are not alone.

And neither am I.

To my friends, you know who you are, I salute you.


  1. Hooray for friends!

  2. Hello Ben,

    Just Read this and hope you are feeling a little better about things

