Friday, September 9, 2011

Something Every Day

Wowzers! It's merely day nine into my 100-day challenge and already I have lost 2 kilos.
Well, I gained 1 and lost 2, if you want to be pedantic. But I have still lost 2 kilograms in five days - maybe it's the diet shakes for lunch, or maybe it is the stress of doing eighty billion things at work plus the adrenalin. Who can say?

If I can keep this up, I'll be lighter than a tumble-dryer's fluff collection by Christmas. I hope there won't be too many strong winds at Christmas (other than those produced by sprout-eaters across the nation - of which I'll be one - I love those Brussels!)

Yes, work has been manic. I'm covering for a colleague who is away and also doing a whole heap of extra-curricular stuff on top of all that plus going to no end of meetings that go on for hours and achieve (from what I can tell) very little.
I've been so busy, I've barely had time to make a quick brew!

Oh, who am I kidding? There is always time for a quick brew.

The problem is, all this work has made me completely knackered. I get home of an evening, eat an early dinner and I'm in bed by 7:30/8:00. I will read for about ten minutes and then promptly fall asleep and dream about pregnant friends and creepy churches. (Was that a sacrificial altar I saw there? Oo-er!)

On an entirely different subject, I'd like to propose a new way to interview applicants for the workplace. How much bullshit can we cope with in the corporate world? Why do all interviews follow the same appalling formula for which any fool can effectively 'cut and paste' answers from any book on the market?

"Give us an example of how you have dealt with a difficult colleague." Blah-fucking-blah.

OK... Here are the questions I'd like to ask.

1. When you use a communal toilet, do you like to leave it in the state you found it in?

2a. At home, do you leave your dirty mugs and plates in the kitchen sink to become dry and crusty before washing them up?

2b. Do you think somebody else is going to do it for you?

3. Do you know the difference between recyclable stuff and actual waste?

4. Do you respect other people's personal space?

5. Do you care how you smell?

6. Just how inconsiderate are you?

7. Are you subhuman scum?



Now, if I heard the answers I wanted to hear to those questions, I would know whom to employ.
Oh. And if they're hot, they'd get bonus points. (Mwah-ha-ha)

It staggers me that there are people in my building at work who get paid way more than I do and yet they are still unable to get their rubbish into the bin or even clean up their dirty coffee cups.
Something every day gets on my tits and I try not to slap people. I've been amazingly restrained so far.




OK, fascist Nazi Ben has stepped down from his soapbox and tucked away his sniper rifle. Nice Ben is back...

Aren't kittens adorable!?!


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